Ways to prevent hanger bumps on sweaters!

Preventing hanger bumps on shirts, blouses, and sweaters.

Winter is coming!

Time to step into those booties, grab the neck scarves, and embrace the cool crisp air of fall. The perfect sweater weather is cool enough to bring out the knits and crochets but not enough for the top coat. If your sweaters have been folded away in storage, we'll have them perked up and refreshed in no time! Let's talk about storage...

I'm ugly, itchy, and look better as I get bigger... "what is a Christmas sweater?"

So how do we prevent hanger bumps?

The best way to prevent hanger bumps is to fold sweaters and store them in a draw or on a shelf. Unfortunately, not all of us have additional storage space for seasonal garments. If you must hang your sweaters, turtlenecks, and polos, try a wide-set hanger made of wood or plastic, with a horizontal support bar that is at least the length of your garment shoulders. Avoid using hangers that have grooves to catch the the fabric. Wire hangers do more harm than good when it comes to hanging articles of clothing. This way, you can fold the sweater around the rod and bar of the hanger. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks.

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