Fall back in love with your fall wardrobe!

Getting your precious leathers and knits ready for autumn.

Leaves are changing color!

The morning air is as cool and crisp as your amber-oranges, saddle browns, and deep denim blues. With spiced ciders and latte's just around the corner, we'll help you make a bold wardrobe statement this year. Virtual Cleaners can take your most precious autumn fabrics and revive them with an extra delicate touch.

My favorite color is October...

The day temperatures drops below 70...

Fall’s essential fabrics can prove to be a bit of a challenge when it comes to cleaning and care. Leathers lose luster (say that three times fast) and can become cracked and brittle without proper conditioning and protection. Knits lose constitution after repeated wear.

Our cleaning and restoration process is not only meticulous, it's environmentally friendly. Unfortunately, petroleum based solvents used in traditional restoration methods can wear away at surface fibers over time. We use a GreenEarth cleaning process that gently revives the fabrics without the risk of leaching dyes, shrinkage, or damaged trims. Your garments are returned feeling softer and fresher than ever!

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